Are you a cloth diapering parent looking for the ultimate cleaner for your diapers? Than you should try Hydrox 2. It has a loyal following here in Vancouver and I can tell you from personal experience that it not only works for diapers but many other applications; we use it on our kitchen towels, workout gear, carpets and general cleaner around the house. Hydrox is a stabilized hydrogen peroxide cleaner that is dye and fragrance free, VOC (volatile organic compounds) free and totally biodegradable into water and oxygen. 1/4 cup into a full load of diapers in your top loading machine or 1/8 cup into your front loader (best to experiment with concentration and water levels with front loaders) is all you'll need to get whiter, cleaner diapers. And best of all, it's safe.
Exclusively at Hip Baby and made in Canada.