Does your child have problems sleeping? Was your child a good sleeper and now is waking and affecting your whole family's sleep? Many parents of young children encounter difficulty with getting their little ones to fall asleep or stay asleep. Sleep is important for children's health and development.
North Shore Occupational Therapy is the leader in providing researched based individual assessments to help teach children how to get a good night's sleep. Join us for an informative workshop that may just be what you're looking for.
Jennifer Garden is a registered occupational therapist with over 10 years experience working with children and families and is dedicated to optimizing your family's health and wellness by specifically addressing sleep issues.
This one hour seminar will take place on Tuesday October 26th at 7pm at Hip Baby for expecting parents and parents of children up to the age of 18 months.
Please contact Hip Baby at 604 736 9744 to book your spot today.
Only 16 spots available.
Cost: $10 includes a 15% discount card for the store
For more info about Jennifer Garden and North Shore Occupational Therapy -
click here.