Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cloud Dough recipe

Here is the recipe for the Cloud Dough we had at Khatsahlano today. We got the recipe from the Powerful Mothering Blog here. It is so silky to play with and holds shaped nicely. The texture is almost like wet silty sand.

- all purpose flour
- vegetable oil- oil based food coloring or powder food coloring (we grated tempura pucks for ours)
- a bowl for mixing
- a sensory tub for playing in


You will need to blend 4:1 flour to oil to make the right texture. For example: to make each colour you can use 2 cups of flour with 1/4 cup vegetable oil. Please use you kitchen measuring cups and don’t guesstimate else your cloud dough recipe will be too wet. Making the cloud dough is also very easy and does not take much time. A great plus!

How to color cloud dough? For the coloring you have two options. You can use powered coloring and mix it in the flour before adding the oil or you can use oil based food coloring and premix it in the oil (we grated tempura paints into the oil as we had them at home) before adding it to the flour.

Put the mixture in a big tub with some sand toys and start playing!