Are you a new mother? If your answer is yes than you know about all the beauty, joy and fun that come into your world with the birth of your baby but you also know the challenges that accompany this powerful shift in your life. When your baby was born, you were also born as a mother. During the first year of learning and growth, there is no better place for a mother than surrounded by support, and many new moms need connection beyond conversations around sleep and diapers. If you long for the opportunity to explore questions around identity, relationships, sex, body image and much more... than the Mothers Unfolding Group is for you.
Mothers Unfolding Groups have offered support, community and insight for mom and baby since 2005. Explore the heart of what it means to be a mother.
Visit the Dancing Star Birth website.
Register now for the new Kitsilano sessions!
Sacred Space Studios, Mondays, Nov 1st - 28th from 1-2:30pm
These 5 sessions are almost full.
Cost: $100