Insiya is a friend (and fan of Hip Baby!) and although I have lots of lovely things to say about her and her yoga practice, I thought it best to post this blog in her words:
Preparing for birthing and mothering can be intense and transformative. Yoga can be an incredible tool to help intuitively honour your body-mind on this journey, whether you're a first time mama to be, or if it's already second nature. Join lululemon ambassador, vinyasa and certified prenatal yoga teacher Insiya Rasiwala-Finn for an empowering, strengthening and restorative prenatal yoga class on Sunday January 30th at lululemon W. 4th. We will focus on breathing exercises, preparing for birth and a special sequence of asanas to help you cultivate awareness, mindfulness and joy at this exciting time in your life.
Hip Baby thinks this is a great opportunity to learn from an amazing teacher. And full disclosure, Insiya is in the last trimester of her own pregnancy! So what better way to be guided through a wonderful prenatal class than by a mama-to-be.
And it's FREE!
Join Insiya:
9am Sunday January 30
@ lululemon W.4th and Arbutus
(just across the street from Hip Baby)