Full disclosure: my first language is French. I grew up in a charming place called Quebec City, and one of the greatest gifts my mother ever gave me was preserving her mother tongue by making sure her three kids went to French school even though our father is an anglophone; i still speak french to my mother. The gift of language is one that lasts a lifetime and opens many doors along the way. Now that I'm a father, I hope to pass that on as well, it might not end up being French but hopefully my daughter will develop a thirst for other languages in this incredibly diverse world we now live in. We began that journey by sending her to
Pomme D'api Preschool. There will be an open house on Saturday March 5th! An excellent opportunity to meet teachers, have your child participate in activities and learn about the school and the new space. There will be refreshments. I will be there the whole day helping out at the open house, come by and say hello! A bientot!
Saturday March 5th from 10am to noon.
2551 East 49th Street, just West of Elliot on the North side of the street.
Pomme d'api has both immersion and francophone programs