Who has not heard someone say to them "the fresh air will do you some good."? I'm guessing nobody. And who doesn't want their child to gain an appreciation and knowledge of our great outdoors? As a lover of fresh air, and of learning, I was happy to discover a great local non-profit outdoor learning program from
The Fresh Air Outdoor Learning Society. And I can't wait to see my daughter after a stroll through our North Shore woods or a visit to a farm. The parents and teachers who started this society were inspired by the outdoor learning movement created by the Forest Kindergartens of Europe. Curriculum includes hands-on-nature activities, hiking, free play, stories, songs and crafts.
Children are genuinely curious about nature but often spend most of their time playing indoors, and let's be honest, we have one of the most beautiful outdoors in the world! With The Fresh Air Outdoor Learning Society you can help connect your child to nature.