For many people the idea of cloth diapering their child seems daunting at best. And as a cloth diapering dad I'm happy to tell everyone that it's not as terrible as you think; once you set yourself up, it's actually rather easy. Of course, at the end of the day, I truly believe that it's everyone's choice to diaper their child any way they see fit but when you start to research all the benefits you as a parent, your child, your community and your planet can benefit from this one very simple choice, the odds stack very quickly in favour of cloth diapering.
So if you've ever been curious about it, or you have a child on the way and would like to explore the amazing cloth diaper choices now available, come in and talk to us and you'll see that it's much easier than you think. And for those hesitant dads out there, I'd be happy to talk to you about cloth diapers, I was like you too but my wife Emily persisted and I couldn't be happier that she did.
Keep in touch with us and we'll let you know about upcoming cloth diaper workshops at Hip Baby!
At Hip Baby we carry cloth diapers from Kissaluv, Bamboozle, Mother-Ease, BumGenius, HipBaby, AMP, and covers by Aristocrats, Luxe and Bummies.